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Silicone Tubing Has So Many Uses... Especially With Food!

Silicone Tubing Has So Many Uses... Especially With Food!

2nd Apr 2014

Silicone tubing is vital to the medical field — from catheters to large machines — it’s used in a wide scope of health facilities.

To stay competitive, Flex Tech offers FDA-approved silicone hoses for all of your medical needs. Learn more about silicone tubing in today’s post.

FDA-Approved Silicone Tubing From Flex Tech

Seeing that the FDA has to approve food grade hoses and tubing these days, it's completely understandable to expect a market influx of silicone tubing. However, being that a lot of our competition doesn't actually have their approval, we highly recommend you buy from our wide selection. Plus, not only are we FDA approved for our food-grade silicone tubing program, but we have expanded it.

New Silicone Tubing Products

We have a whole new line up of silicone tubing products to share with you, so feel free to browse our site and look at our new line up.

You'll be glad to know that all of our silicone tubing has been put through a rigorous testing process, furthering its validation by us, our clients, and the FDA. For your information, it's actually a stipulation that any ingestible or processed topical solution must be run through FDA approved silicone hoses that are bacteria-free. In most cases, this is translucent color tubing that is made of stainless wire reinforcement and various types of fabric.

This type of food-encompassing silicone tubing has to be made in a clean room environment. So whether you own a restaurant or topical agent manufacturing business, you'll find that our FDA-approved silicone tubing will be more than sufficient for your requirements!

Improve Sanitation With FDA-Approved Silicone

In a healthcare facility that sees a large number of people day in and day out, it’s important to level up the hygiene and sanitation for the safety of your patients. Cultivate improved sanitation with FDA-approved silicone hosing from Flex Tech. We’re happy to work with you and tailor our silicone products to your needs, for a completely customized setup.

For more information on our silicone hosing tubing, connect with Flex Tech today!