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Silicone Hoses: Aging Your Home Brew Beer Properly

14th Dec 2015

Here at FlexTech, your source for silicone hoses and tubing, we get a lot of clients who are either looking to get into home brewing or who are looking to rejuvenate their set up with some new hoses or tubing. Home brewing is a great and rewarding hobby, but one that comes with the requirement of a lot patience! We know that it's tempting to take some sips of your brews before they're ready, but if you don't wait the several weeks needed for the brew to age adequately, then you may be disappointed with your results and feel like your home brew has somehow failed.

It hasn't! Once your beer has fermented and you've transferred it into bottles using a racking crane and bucket, capped them and stored them in a cool room with minimal light, you get to play the waiting game. Depending on what type of yeast you're using and what type of beer you're trying to brew, temperature requirements can range. However, most variations require temperatures somewhere between the high 60s and low 70s.

With beer comes much variety, as you likely know. Depending on what your end goal brew is, you must pay attention to how long it's required to age. While some beer recipes only require 2 weeks to age, some require several months before you can get the desired results.

Most beers only get better as they age, especially when you age them longer than the recommended range. As you gain more experience in home brewing, don't forget to utilize FlexTech for all of your silicone hose needs.